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Networking Event


Tuesday 17th May
3pm - 5pm

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Graeae Theatre Company to deliver our next event. The event will take place online on Tuesday 17th May 2022, 3pm - 4.30pm. 

 The event will explore identity and disability, a space to consider what it might mean to choose to identify as disabled and how we can communicate our identity when working .The second half of the session will focus on creating access riders including communicating access needs specific to chronic illnesses, as well as complex and or multiple long term health conditions.

To sign up to the event please visit here 

Networking Event

Past Events

Wednesday 1st December
11am - 12.30pm
on zoom

Our next event will be an online gathering on Wednesday 1st December at 11am - 12.30pm

Are you a chronically ill disabled artist working in the performing arts? We would love to hear from you, get your thoughts on  network development and have the opportunity to connect.

The event aimed at chronically ill disabled artists, producers and professionals  in theatre, dance, and across the performing will discuss the current needs and vision for the network as well as an opportunity to have your say. To sign up to the event please visit here 

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